This past Friday John and I closed on our house. We were able to have our furniture moved on Thursday so as soon as we finished up paper work I was able to head over and start unpacking boxes. Overwhelming. Let. Me. Tell. You. The front two rooms were completely packed full! I believe we likely unloaded 75% of the boxes this weekend - so it was filled with both excitement and exhaustion.
The past year has been filled with so much activity I cannot help but to reflect. In one month we will celebrate our one year anniversary. A huge milestone, no doubt - people who say the first year is the most difficult are right on point! We have sold a house (closing is this week), purchased our first home together. We are losing one job - and in that are able to put in perspective the things that are important to us.
I hope that everyone is well - and enjoying life! More to come later...
That's great - congratulations!