Sunday, June 26, 2011

6 Weeks Later

Things are looking up in the Saltsman home! Last week we began our use of cloth diapers... Elaine has finally packed on enough pounds to where I felt like they fit her appropriately. John has embraced the usage of cloth diapers, and I secretly believe that he likes them. As a friend told me, "cotton has to feel better on their bottoms than plastic!" I settled on using the BumGenius 4.0 pocket diapers with snaps - and am very happy with my choice! I also purchased a few BumGenius AIO's, while both are great, I am actually much happier with the fit of the pocket diapers.

Other breaking news... after almost 6 full weeks of sleeping on our chests at night in the trusty living room recliner, Elaine Grace has successfully slept in her crib for the past two nights! While she is not sleeping "through the night", which is what some would consider success, I cannot express how much more rested I feel spending my time in between feedings in my actual bed! Before, Elaine was only almost perfect, now she is surely perfect (to us anyways...)!

I was so excited about this new occurence that I picked up my knitting needles yesterday and finished a baby cocoon and a matching hat! This morning I started a little sweater for Miss Elaine. It will be her reward for sleeping in her crib.

I will post new pics this week - Have a Happy Sunday, All!

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