Friday, August 13, 2010

It's a Beautiful Day in the Neighborhood!

This week has been a GREAT week for me! Three really positive things happened… I can share ONE as of this moment.

Officially I started RoseKnits November 2008. This was also the month of our wedding, because I’m smart and overly ambitious like that. Doesn’t every girl dream of starting an Etsy shop the same month that she is making the commitment of a lifetime, why not? RoseKnits was my answer to having lots of money to buy yarn! At some point, I started making more money than I could justify spending on yarn, consequently calling it a ‘business.’ As we approach our two year mark, I’ve happily produced and pedaled over 1000 bags! Last year I was acknowledged both the Vogue and Knit Simple holiday editions: Exciting! Well, yesterday, knitwear designer extraordinaire, Cecily Glowik MacDonald ordered a bag from ME! Tonight I plan to prepare her extra special package to slip in the mail on Saturday! If you have yet to scope out her designs, you should! She’s AWESOME! So awesome, she recently co-authored New England Knits with Melissa LaBarre.

I currently have Goodale on the needles, a design by Ms. Cecily, and I have many, many more in my queue! So, friends, that pretty much made my week! Tomorrow John and I are headed to Wichita to see DMB in concert – I’m sure Stefan has been missing me ;-)

Next week I hope to be able to share another piece of the happy pie and will at minimum show you what I’ve been knittin’ on and some new things in store for RoseKnits!

Have a fantastic weekend! I know I will!

1 comment:

  1. Can't wait to hear the other piece of the happy pie!!
